
  • Name of the Fort:
  • Dhak
  • Difficulty Level:
  • Hard
  • Endurance Level:
  • Medium

About Fort

  • Height of the Fort:
  • --
  • Base Village:
  • Jambhivli
  • District:
  • Raigad
  • Region:
  • Karjat
  • Route:
  • Pune-Kamshet-Jambhivali
  • Distance from Pune:
  • 60 Km
  • Description:
  • There are three access routs to the fort. One is Jambhiwali, second is Rajmachi and the third is Sandashi.A rock patch of around 70 degrees gradient. After the rock patch one has to climb using the support of a wooden log which sways preciously .After and only after you climb the log can you reach the safety of the cave.
    There is a water hole in the cave. The water is ice cold in every season and used for cooking purpose by the villagers. The cave is an impromptu temple of Lord Bahiri where sacrifices are carried out on regular basis.